Fearnville Primary School
Fearnville Drive
Off Sticker Lane

01274 664661, 01274 665886

Fearnville Primary School

Welcome to Year 6

We began the year by learning about our exciting new theme called ‘Welcome to Yorkshire’. Children are studying the achievements of the famous Bronte sisters and the impact their novels have had on the modern world. 

Continuing with our theme of ‘Welcome to Yorkshire’ we will be looking at the place where we live. The children will learn about the natural and man-made features of this county. We will then look at the ‘Rainforest’ and how they are made up and their features. We will then take a cross-curricular approach and look at the countries involved in WWII to finish the year.

The children will learn about the Victorians through the lives of the Bronte sister. They will see the similarities and differences between that time period and now. The children will also immerse themselves in the topic of WWII, using Goodnight Mr Tom as hook to the theme

For science, we will be investigating inheritance and evolution, animals including humans, living things and their habitats, light and electricity. In order to gain a deeper understanding of our learning, we will be building upon a cross-curricular approach with links to our English. We will be writing various genres based on our geography, history and science themes.

Children will be sitting their SATS in May, however, dates and further information will be confirmed closer to the time.


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