Fearnville Primary School
Fearnville Drive
Off Sticker Lane

01274 664661, 01274 665886

Fearnville Primary School


Arrangements for applying for a place at Fearnville Primary School

The Local Authority Admissions Team process all admissions to the main school and also the appeals procedure for these admissions. Admissions to the Nursery are processed by the school, this can be done by calling the school office on 01274 664661 to put your child on the waiting list before they turn 3 or arranging to complete the relevant forms once they are 3. 

Advice and guidance is offered to parents and other agencies regarding the availability of school places and all other admission and appeal related enquiries. The team also provides advice and guidance concerning current and new legislation relating to admissions and ensures that statutory responsibilities are carried out in accordance with the schools admission and appeal codes.

The telephone number for the Admissions Team is 01274 439200.

The email address is schooladmissions@bradford.gov.uk.

You can find further details, oversubscription criteria and guidelines by clicking here

Admissions - Primary School

 Guidance for in year admissions.pdfDownload
 Admissions timetable 2022.pdfDownload
 Information on applying for 2022 places.pdfDownload
 Guide to applying for a primary place.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Admissions - Secondary School

 Secondary school admissions scheme details 2022.pdfDownload
 Secondary school place booklet 2022.pdfDownload
 Secondary school place guide 2022.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

For information about appeals please see the website below:
