Fearnville Primary School
Fearnville Drive
Off Sticker Lane

01274 664661, 01274 665886

Fearnville Primary School

Welcome to Year 2

Great Fire of London - downloadable posterThis term our theme is “Fire! Fire!”. We will visit the Fireground, Rochdale in the second half of the Autumn term to immerse ourselves in the life of a firefighter in 1666. We will consider how the Great Fire of London has impacted modern day society and investigate what factors contributed to the spread of the Great Fire of London. In DT we will design, construct and burn our Tudor Houses to understand how the Great Fire would have spread. Through our Geography learning we will explore the location of London and consider the similarities and differences between London and Bradford.



We will start the term with a trip to Nell Bank to support our learning of living things and their habitats. We will classify living, dead and never lived before exploring different habitats and why animals are suited to where they live. We will consider what animals need to survive and how we can support animals in our local habitats, including litter picking on the school grounds. After half term our science focus will move to keeping healthy including the importance of exercise, healthy foods and hygiene.



In English we will focus on consolidating skills learned in year 1 through letter writing and instructions. Our first text is “Dragon Post” where we will write a reply letter to the dragon who visited the school. We will focus on capital letters, full stops and finger spaces during this unit. Before half term, we will look at instructional writing. We will follow instructions for baking bread and then explore writing our own instructions on how to bake biscuits. We will also write a recount of our visit to Nell Bank.

After half term our writing focus will turn to the events of the Great Fire of London. Initially, our key text is Vlad and The Great Fire of London where we will write a diary entry as if we were experiencing The Great Fire of London for ourselves. Our trip to the Fireground after half term will support our learning of this topic and help us to understand what life was like in 1666. Finally, this half term, we will be exploring the diary of Samuel Pepys. We will use this text to help us write a newspaper article detailing the events of The Great Fire.


In Maths our focus this term will initially be on place value for numbers to 100 – understanding numbers and where they fit in relation to one another. Building on from year 1 we will continue to partition numbers into tens and ones using practical resources and pictorial representations. Before the half term we will begin exploring addition and subtraction. We will specifically look at fact families and use number bonds to help us solve addition and subtraction problems. Finally, at the end of the term we will revisit 2D shapes from year 1 and build on from this learning about 3D shapes and their properties.  


This is the phonics scheme we are using, click below for resources to help you work with your child 




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